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Cardano StakePool

Pool Ticker: 4FREE

Live Stake:

Our Pledge:



Our Commitment to Freedom and Justice

Support the Cardano Network

By operating a stake pool, we contribute to the security, stability, and decentralization of the Cardano network, providing a valuable service to this groundbreaking ecosystem.

Promote Financial Freedom

Through our stake pool, we advocate for Cardano's vision of decentralized finance - a world where everyone has control over their financial destiny, irrespective of their location or status.

Contribute to a Worthy Cause

We commit to donating 10% or more of our pool proceeds to the International Justice Mission, supporting their fight against global injustice and oppression.

Foster an Informed Community

We aim to build a community of informed, passionate delegators who share our vision. We commit to providing education about Cardano, staking, and the role our pool plays in the larger ecosystem.

Prioritize Transparency

We believe in an open, honest relationship with our delegators. We promise transparency in our operations, our charitable donations, and our ongoing contributions to the Cardano ecosystem.