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"Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity." - Herbert Hoover

My Cardano Story: From Curiosity to Commitment

Back in 2019, I dipped my toes into the world of cryptocurrency by buying some Bitcoin. Like many people, I was hoping to see number go up. But, it wasn't as easy as it looked! I made a few trading mistakes and realized there was so much more to this crypto business than just buying and selling.

This curiosity led me to Cardano. At first, it was the buzz from influencers and chats on crypto Twitter that got me interested. But then, I stumbled upon a video that completely changed my perspective. Charles Hoskinson’s white board video was a game changer. I realized crypto wasn’t just about numbers going up; it was about creating a financial system that could give freedom to everyone, everywhere. I knew I had to get involved.

So, I rolled up my sleeves and decided to do my part. Despite not having a tech background, I learned what it takes to operate a stake pool. That's how 4Freedom Stake Pool came to life. I wanted to create something that would not only help Cardano grow but also make a real difference in the world. That's why a portion of our earnings goes directly to the International Justice Mission, a fantastic organization fighting to end human slavery.

I'm excited to connect with folks like you, who might be new to this, just like I was. My goal is to break down the complex stuff, make it easy to understand, and show you how being a part of Cardano can not only benefit you but also help make the world a better place. I'm here to build bridges and bring everyone along for this incredible journey.